Friday, January 14, 2011

Here in Ghana

Hi everyone I got to Ghana.

My first flight from Seattle to New York was canceled so I had to rebook everything to Amsterdam instead of going through JFK. I got from Amsterdam to Ghana with a 6 hour layover and then another 3 hour delay on the tarmack because of the smoke detector on the plane needed to be changed. I was on first class however on the Amsterdam flight so that wasn't too bad.

I got to Ghana at 11 pm last night and got picked up by the CIEE staff I am at the Hotel in Accra and just went through my first day of orientation it is currently  3pm and very warm but it feels good! There are 6 of us here out of 8. 2 people are still delayed from there flights.

I can't update pictures yet because of the internet situation but I hope to post some in the next couple of days. I am going to be living in an apartment at Ashesi University with other students from Ghana and I move into that tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. hope you're settling in a bit! thinking of you and wishing you well!
    kate s.
